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Fetch Data from Entity Framework Using ASP.NET MVC4

Fetch Data from Entity Framework Using ASP.NET MVC4

Vijay Shukla 23454 09-Jan-2013

Fetch Data from Entity Framework Using ASP.NET MVC4

Today In this Article, I am trying to create an ASP.NET MVC4 application that fetches the data using Entity Frame Work.

Now Firstly we will create a table - ( in SQL)

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblEmployee]

  vEmpId varchar(10)PrimaryKey,
  vEmpName varchar(100),
  vEmpAddress varchar(100),
  dEmpDOB date
Insert values in [dbo].[tblEmployee] table
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblEmployee] VALUES ('EOO1','Vijay Shukla','1082 Rjrooppur Allahabad','2004-05-23’)

INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblEmployee] VALUES ('EOO2','Ajay Shukla','1082 Rjrooppur Allahabad','1985-01-21’)

Fetch Data from Entity Framework Using ASP.NET MVC4

After that, we will create an MVC4 application in Visual Studio. We will create a simple application.

After creating an application we will add an Entity Framework in our application.

Below steps for adding entity framework in our application

1) Right Click on Models folder which is under the Solution Explorer then go to ADD >> New Item…

Fetch Data from Entity Framework Using ASP.NET MVC4

2)  In the second step we can follow the below steps:

    a.  Select Data from the left side pane.

    b.  Select the ADO.NET Entity Data Model.

    c.  Give the name of your Entity Framework.

    d.  After that press OK.

Fetch Data from Entity Framework Using ASP.NET MVC4

3)  Then press Next.

4)  In the fourth step we can follow the below steps:

        a)      Click on New Connection.

        b)      Give Your Server Name.

        c)       Select Your Authentication, if you select Windows authentication give the User name and Password.

        d)      Select your appropriate database.

        e)      Press OK.

Fetch Data from Entity Framework Using ASP.NET MVC4

5)  In Fifth step we can follow the below steps:

        a)  Select the yes, include the sensitive data in the connection string. radio button.

        b)  Give the name for entity connection settings in the Web.Config file.

        c)  Press Next.

Fetch Data from Entity Framework Using ASP.NET MVC4

6) In the Sixth step we can follow the below steps:

            a)  Select your table.

            b)  Give the name for Model namespace.

            c)  Press Finish button.

Fetch Data from Entity Framework Using ASP.NET MVC4

After that, you can see your entity is added on your Models folder which is under the Solution Explorer.

Fetch Data from Entity Framework Using ASP.NET MVC4

After that, we can add a Controller and view.

Controller Code:

using System; 

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using FetchDataFromeDatabaseSimpleMVC4.Models; //This is Models Class Namespace
namespace FetchDataFromeDatabaseSimpleMVC4.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        // GET: /Home/
        FetchDataEntities _fetchDataEntities = new FetchDataEntities();
        public ActionResult Index()
            return View(_fetchDataEntities);

Above code, I’m  creating the FetchDataEntities class’ object  _fetchDataEntities and this object passed in View().

View Code:
@model FetchDataFromeDatabaseSimpleMVC4.Models.FetchDataEntities

    ViewBag.Title = "Index";
<h2>Employee Information</h2>
<table border="1px">
        <th> Employee ID</th>
        <th> Employee Name</th>
        <th> Employee DOB</th>
        <th> Employee Address</th>
    @foreach (var item in Model.tblEmployees)

 Above code, we will add the FetchDataEntities which is under the Models Class, and our table (tblEmployee) is under the FetchDataEntities.


Fetch Data from Entity Framework Using ASP.NET MVC4

Updated 15-Feb-2020

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